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How concentrated pheromone cologne work to get you noticed

How concentrated Pheromone cologne work to get you noticed The effect of pheromones has been very well studied. They cause an instinctual, almost automatic sexual response, which scientists call a «releaser» effect. Each person has a unique «odor print» that’s just as individual as fingerprints, created by compounds released from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands […]

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Tips for purchasing a prom gown

Tips for Purchasing a Prom Gown Deciding what to wear to the prom is most probably one of the most challenging decisions to make for any young lady. This comes in second after the initial budget allowance has been allocated for the occasion. The choice and range of prom gowns and accessories are enormous and […]

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Making a career in child psychology

Making a Career in Child Psychology Child psychology is a new branch of psychology associated with the personal and social development of children. In fact, it can be defined as a branch of developmental psychology which focuses on the changes of human psychology at each phase of life. It is one of the most interesting […]

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Knowing what kind of women you like and tips on attracting women you desire

Knowing what kind of women you like and tips on attracting women you desire! Now we find out what kind of woman you are really looking for. Start by writing down a detailed and realistic physical description of her. Is she tall or short? Thin or big-boned? Does she have short or long hair? Is […]

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How to prevent hiv/aids

How to Prevent Hiv/aids HOW TO PREVENT HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS A sexually transmitted disease. It has million people. In 2000 alone, it killed 3 million. 80% of all cases are in sub-Saharan Africa. The must vulnerable age group is between 15-25 years. This is an apt picture of the AIDS prone age bracket. At this stage, […]

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