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How concentrated pheromone cologne work to get you noticed

How concentrated Pheromone cologne work to get you noticed The effect of pheromones has been very well studied. They cause an instinctual, almost automatic sexual response, which scientists call a «releaser» effect. Each person has a unique «odor print» that’s just as individual as fingerprints, created by compounds released from the sebaceous glands, sweat glands […]

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Teachers teaching gender

Teachers Teaching Gender ABSTRACT The research seeks to establish whether teachers give gender related cues, whether they give more attention to one gender over another and whether this has an overall effect. Literature reviews indicate that there are some links between gender and student’s self perception. This research will show how teachers can affect that […]

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Top ten new years resolutions

Top Ten New Years Resolutions Each year the top ten new years resolutions come out and sure enough, most of the time they are very similar.  People always have the best intentions for making self improvements for themselves and their families.  The tradition that has been passed down for decades is to want to make […]

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Career planning and career building: a step-by-step strategy

Career Planning and Career Building: A Step-By-Step Strategy Career is the stage of life that follows after obtaining education. When students have obtained a degree, they should think about the job opportunities and career planning. Moreover, the career is the issue that can be touched upon in the beginning of college life. Reputation, knowledge, and […]

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Graduation announcements and graduation invitations for graduate special graduation

Graduation Announcements and Graduation Invitations for Graduate Special Graduation Graduation Announcements and Graduation Invitations for Graduate Special Graduation If you’re earning a diploma yourself or if you are the parent of an upcoming graduate, this is definitely one of the biggest milestones in your lives. You don’t want anything less than a momentous celebration for […]

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