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Vedic astrology xxxii

Vedic Astrology Xxxii Vedic Astrology Lesson 32 — The 27 Nithya Yogas The combined longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is called a Nithya Yoga. There are 27 Nithya Yogas based on the 27 constellations which tenant the Ecliptic. The calculation of Nithya Yoga is simple. Add the longitude of the Moon to the […]

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What makes a hero

What Makes A Hero? Interview With Sharif Khan Interview by Ralph Zuranski What is your definition of heroism? It stems from the original word ‘hero’ which comes from the Greek roots servos and heros, which means to serve and protect. So self-sacrifice for the higher good and betterment of humanity is at the heart of […]

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Argumentative essays — what are they

Argumentative Essays — What Are They An argumentative essay follows the same guidelines as many persuasive essays. The only thing with argumentative essays is you are not writing for people to hear your point, and decide if they want to follow your opinion. You are in it to win it; you want your audience to […]

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Dyeable shoes for the most romantic walk of your life

Dyeable Shoes for the Most Romantic Walk of Your Life Leave your wedding guests in awe as you sashay elegantly down the aisle in your fashionably chic, dyeable wedding shoes. These have really grown in popularity among brides because there are many beautiful styles available. These shoes can transform into customized, engaging compliments to your […]

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Nothing just happens

Nothing Just Happens Nothing Just Happens I believe that we are all intended, created and sustained by the forces of ALL! The ALL is what I call God. I believe that this power source, this Infinite Intelligence knew and knows for certain, what it intends, therefore, to think that anything just happens is to think […]

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