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Back-to-school moms receive government funding

Back-to-School Moms Receive Government Funding

Mothers who have chosen to further their education are receiving aid from the government. President Barack Obama has set aside this money so that the moms can get the necessary skills to obtain a better career that will bring in more income for family support.

Obama’s Scholarships for Moms program has helped many women achieve their goals, and provide a better quality of life at home. Desirable jobs require this higher education, so now is the time to act while there is funding available. More importantly, the funding does not have to be paid back like a student loan so this is the best deal these mothers can get in today’s economy. Obama is pushing for this education because he does not want mothers and their families living in poverty. With the right education, the mom will have an easier time with providing for the kids.

Furthering your education will benefit you and your family because you will become a better candidate for these higher-paying positions that need skilled employees. You also might be able to spend more time with your family, because you won’t need to get a second job just to maintain the monthly budget. You will feel more confident with your degree and your children will look up to you for the achievements.

If you have interest in taking advantage of this money, the first step is to fill out a FAFSA form. Federal Pell Grants are most common, and they award at least $5,000 to eligible mothers who meet the financial guidelines. If you do not qualify for this grant, there are others that pay up to $10,000 for your education.

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