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Act now — win a free $10,000 scholarship towards your education

Act Now — Win A Free $10,000 Scholarship Towards Your Education

Going back to school can be expensive. It is something we all think about doing, but can never quite pull off. In these times it is tough to find work, with one out of ten people being unemployed. If you are employed, consider yourself lucky. But merely being employed isn’t enough. What if your company goes under (remember Enron?) or you get laid off? A college degree would be able to give you a safety cushion, or even get you a better job, period. It would give you the chance to support your family without worrying about your next paycheck.

But you know how expensive it is to go to college. Think about books and tuition, transportation, not to mention day care if you are a single parent. When you already have mouths to feed, it’s hard to set aside money for a degree you might not even have time to pursue. The good news is there are more and better grants and scholarships being made available to people like you, moms and dads who have the determination to set a higher course. A newer scholarship available is being offered to dads in the form of a monthly drawing. With this scholarship, you won’t have to go into debt with a student loan that will have to be repaid when you graduate, with interest.

With a scholarship, you are able to spend it on anything related to education, such as the expenses listed above. You don’t need to keep a certain grade to keep it, and everyone is eligible to apply. All that is required is for you to fill out a form, about three minutes worth, and then you can look at online schools who will work with you.

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