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Math help from the internet

Math Help From the Internet

My teacher provided us this math homework hoping that by understanding this problem will help us in visualizing the splendor of mathematics:

A clown fish called Nemo met a school of fish and said: “hello there a hundred fishes!” The leader of the group answered: “If you count us, we can not reach to a hundred. However, if there were as many of us and there are as many more and half many more and quarter as many more and you, Nemo, also swam with us, then there will be a hundred of us.”

If you are asked how many fish are there in that school of fish, will you be able to give the correct answer? Well, if you are going to ask me, I would rather read a book than bothering with this problem.

It is always about math. Every time I hear that word, it really gets me upset. I mean, ever since I was a kid, I have a problem with solving word problems. When our math teacher starts to write something on the board, I always end up more confused than what I was. My classmates then immediately scribble for answers while I just wait for them to share their answers with me.

I am not really sure where I got this fear of math, but I think it is partially caused by the environment that I am living with. My parents’ work did not really involve that much numbers. My mother is a sales representative while my father works in an advertising company as a photographer. Perhaps, the only mathematics that my mom had ever to perform was adding the sales while my father simply counts the number of pictures taken. And that’s all about it, nothing else. Thus, developing in such an environment where mathematics were a not an important part, my development and ability to solve mathematical problems were not really honed, hence, the fear of math.

Even for math homework, I can not really rely for help from my parents especially if it comes to problems involving some higher math topics, including integral calculus. I am not saying that they do not know mathematics it is just that they have not used it that much anymore. Hence, I have to rely from other sources such as mentors, friends, classmates, and the good old library to get that math homework help I need.

Before, looking for these resources was tedious and sometimes expensive, especially if we are to consider hiring somebody to privately mentor us. However, with the information and possiblities offered by the internet, getting math homework help is no longer a big issue.

A big percentage of math homework websites offer a variety of articles and tutorials which will really assist a struggling student in coping up with mathematical challenges. Some of the websites even offer live online tutorial, but at a certain fee. Just think of them as your virtual tutors. With the internet at hand, you really have countless possibilities. You might not be able to get help from your parents but you will certainly find some from the internet. And by the way, the answer for the fish problem is thirty six. Obviously, I got the solution from the World Wide Web.

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