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Five rules of safe travel

Five Rules of Safe Travel

When you are planning to travel, the thing you definitely want to have with you is your safety. No matter where you are going, you need to protect yourself and your family while traveling.

1. Good planning and prevention are absolutely necessary. To be ready to any incidents, you should:

— prepare the so-called “medical envelope” for all members of your family. It should contain some basic information on medical history, allergies if there are some, copies of all insurances if there are several of them. It is also necessary to have copies of medical prescriptions and an additional one for eyeglasses.

— have a few copies of passports, records of your credit cards and the contact information of the credit card company, so that you can notify them if something happens to your cards.

— arrange a first aid kit, which contents should depend on the kind of travel you are going for.

2. Put your money in a safe place and do not attract robbers. Thieves are generally especially active in tourist areas. Some pieces of advice are:

— take only the necessary amount of money with you; let the rest be safe in your hotel room or the place you stay in.

— keep your cash close to your body under your clothes. Do the same with your bag – keep it under your arm.

3. Be ready to travel by automobile. There are safety measures you should confine yourself to:

— have your car carefully checked prior to your trip.

— bring some fresh water with you.

— apply for roadside assistance insurance – just in case you have some problems on the road.

— make stops every two hours to have a little walk around and give yourself some rest.

4. Be on the alert during the whole trip. There are many things that can threaten your health and safety while you are visiting places. They may be caused by unexpected political events, outbreaks of infections and sudden changes in the weather. Using the Internet, you can sign up for regular advisories and health alerts issued as a traveler`s guide. Information on the political situation, health and weather condition in the place you are heading to will help you to avoid dangerous situations or be ready for them.

5. Be well-informed while going to a foreign country. It is crucial to get the idea of the customs of the country you are going to in order not to make a dangerous mistake.

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