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Extracurricular activities

Extracurricular Activities. Sports and Some Tips, for It

The range of extracurricular activities for students may be restricted only by the fantasy of the students. In fact, they are free to choose any activity in accordance with their preferences and abilities. Sport is regarded as one of the most popular activity, nevertheless in spite of the immense popularity of sports, students often do not know even the key safety rules and tips for effective and harmless training, as well as combining sports with effective study. Tips for Going in for Sports These tips are associated not only with effective training, but also with health care, and effective studies: 1. First, never forget to warm up. This will allow you to preserve your muscles and ligaments elastic, and reduce the likelihood of trauma. A warm up is also required for reloading your brain after lectures or test papers, and switch it into regime of training. 2. Never stop on some known to you elements and motions. Even if you have already achieved perfect results, it does not mean that you have to stop growing: learn other sets of motions, restructure those which you already know. In fact, new motions train your motor parts of the brain; hence, training your body, you train your intellect. 3. Find the balance between mental and physical loads. Do not overstrain your muscles as you will not be able to concentrate on lectures with aching muscles. Remember that training restores spiritual forces after exhausting studies. However, miss a training if you are totally exhausted, and give some rest to your brain and body. Finally, consider that you will have an opportunity to rely on vitamins. Do not forget to take vitamin C after effective and rich training. It will help you to avoid the delayed onset muscle soreness.

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