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Eight tips on how to improve student assessment test scores

Eight Tips on How To Improve Student Assessment Test Scores

If you’re wondering how to improve test scores on your child’s student assessment tests, you’ve come to the right place.  Education Reform measures now mandate that states must implement a student Assessment Program.  These tests measure a student’s academic growth and achievement.  Scoring well on these tests is not just about knowing the correct asnwers to the questions; it is also about knowing how these tests are scored.  Below are eight scoring tips that could make a positive impact on how your child scores on his or her state assessment test.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #1-Do not write outside the designated page margins.  The test booklets are scanned prior to grading.  Anything out of the margin lines will not scan.  If an answer cannot be read it will not be scored.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #2-Be sure to show your work on math questions if asked to do so.  Full credit will only be given if this request is fulfilled.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #3-On short response or short answer questions always restate the question in your answer.  The answer may be incorrect, but the student will still collect one point for just restating the question.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip#4-When asked to write about a specific prompt, stick to it.  Do not write a report style answer when the prompt is a creative story or personal narrative prompt.  Deviation from the prompt could result in no points scored!

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #5-A planning page in typically included on all long response (essay or short story) prompts.  Be sure to show some sort of planning (i.e. webs or informal outlines).  Points are awarded for using this page.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #6-If the prompt asks for 3 reasons, write about 3 reasons.  Writing about more than 3 reasons or less than 3 reasons will not earn full credit even if the answer is correct.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #7-Often at the end of a long response test item there will be a checklist of «to do» tasks.  All checklists have point scoring potential.  No check marks equals no points scored.

How to Improve Test Scores Tip #8-Do not skip any questions.  If an answer is not known, then just guess.  Upon completion of the test go through the test booklet to make sure every test item has been answered.  Inadvertently skipping questions happens more often than you think.  If too many questions are left blank a student may receive a score of zero for that entire test!

Remember these Student Assessment Progam scores are not graded like traditional achievement tests where scores are determined by correct answers.  Student Assessment Program scores are affected not only by knowing the right answer, but also on how well your child implements the scoring tips discussed above.  By learning how to improve test scores and implementing these eight tips, your child could easily achieve a higher score.

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