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Driver education — how parents can help their teenage children to learn driving

Driver Education — How Parents Can Help Their Teenage Children To Learn Driving

When your child turns 16, it is almost a certainty that the first worlds out of their mouth will be «When can I get my drivers license?»

While this is a milestone in your child’s life, it is important that they understand the importance of getting a driver education and realize that along with a drivers license comes great responsibility.

Depending on which state you live in, a learner’s permit can be obtained when your teenager is around 15. In order for them to get the license, they need to meet a certain criteria, which includes a specific amount of driving time.

When your child is ready for driver education, it is important that they have the right attitude. They need to understand that a driver’s license is a responsibility that is not to be taken lightly. They need to understand that they cannot have a nonchalant attitude. This could affect their chances of obtain a license if the instructor feels that your teenager is not taking the class seriously.

Although it is cool to show off, it is not going to help you get your license if you are eating or talking on your cell phone when you are behind the wheel. It is an absolute certainty that your instructor will not think it is cool.

When you enroll in driver education, it is important your states department of motor vehicles certify the school.

These schools are up to date on all of the rules and laws of the state in which you live, and can teach you everything you need to know to become a safe driver. Driving school instructors have to pass painstaking tests in order to be licensed to teach.

Parents of teenage drivers can help in getting driver education. They are encouraged to take their child out driving. The more road time they log, the more secure they will feel driving. It not only gives them confidence, it also gives you piece of mind knowing that they are safe drivers.

Patience is the key factor in driving with your teenager. If you are high strung and nervous, it will affect the driver. If you feel that you cannot drive with your teenager have the other parent or friend drive with them.

Before you let your teenager get behind the wheel, it is important that they know the rules of the road and what each street sign signifies. Make sure they study the drivers’ manual and quiz them often. He or she is bound to be a little nervous when they drive with you they want to impress you. If they forget what a sign means do not make a big deal of it, simply study with them when you get home.

An empty parking lot is the perfect place for your child to practice driving and get used of the car being used. This is especially important if your car and the driver education cars are of different models.

Make sure your child understands what to do in case of an emergency. This is crucial especially if they are driving and their tire goes flat.


Driver education will teach your teenager the rules of the road as well as how to become a safe defensive driver. Quiz them often, even if it is a quick trip to the store, ask them questions about driving. It is important that you be supportive and not critical of the abilities. Building confidence is a major factor when it comes to teenagers and driving. If they make a mistake, let them know and continue to let them drive.

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