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Difference between in montessori teaching and traditional education _second

Difference between In montessori teaching and traditional education _Second

Second,Freedom — montessori teaching foundation.
Freedom is the montessori education methods of basic principle. Montessori education says she is «based on free education», also called «free education research.» Therefore, grasp the connotation of «freedom», is to understand the essence of education by type.
(1), about freedom. Montessori that freedom is not bound by any children may not accept any, top-down command or compulsory and depression, can follow one’s inclinationsly do their favorite activities. The vitality of spontaneous repressed children will show their original nature, like the wings of the pin pin already lost butterfly specimens, the essence of life. This teacher can observe the actual situation of children. Therefore, we must take the scientific method to study, to give children first child, promote their spontaneity ground free and then to observe and study.
Here the so-called freedom to children, unlike indulgence or unlimited freedom. Montessori said: «let children learn to tell right from wrong, what should not be behavior. If self-will, unreasonable, violence, no orderly and hinder group activities, is strictly prohibited, gradually to eradicate. Must be patient counseling them, this is the basic principles of the discipline. In fact, but a child cannot get real freedom.
(2), about the discipline. Montessori think discipline is a kind of active state, is built on the foundation of freedom. A man like that, like the quiet mute people that still paralyzed, can be disciplined. The active discipline includes a noble education principles, it produced by mandatory and «fixed» is completely different.
She said: «not by training and discipline propaganda and sermons, also cannot blame errors, but in the activities of natural development. Important is to make children in activities by understanding, understanding and accept discipline and abide by the rules of the collective, the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, the real freedom also include thinking and understanding ability. A person should have the discipline is active in the rules to follow to control myself, not by succumb to others. Montessori schools in the activities of indoor, to allow children to talk freely and exchange activities, position, or even your own will move desks and chairs. The children are in the classroom, voluntary activity, the purpose of everyone is busy doing his job, quiet to and fro, orderly take put items, will not cause confusion. Because they know the quiet and orderly is necessary, and to know that some activity is prohibited. Children in this kind of environment, natural will grow their actions. The long, will develop the good habit of discipline.

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