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Common recipe for successful passing of examination

Common Recipe for Successful Passing of Examination

Alternative ways of learning the material It is doubtless, that examination presupposes certain stress for every human being. It is surprising that even elderly professors dream about the most difficult exams of their life at night. From one side, the stressed condition helps to collect all thoughts. Sometimes the students become much smarter at the exams as they seemed to be during the semester. But nobody will deny that the student can not remember the material that he has never learned. Unfortunately, not all people are gifted with the extrasensory perception to read the right answers in the professor’s thoughts. As a rule, students can not get information from air, can they? That is why hard work, reading much, investigation and analysis are the only ways for passing the exam. Whatever banal it sounds, no other ways for passing the exam are accessible at the moment. Perhaps in future it will be possible to put into the brain some chips with material. Maybe, some methods of learning while being hypnotized will become more popular. The only actual recipe But at the present moment the only recipe for passing the exam is to dig into the textbooks. Certainly, there is a wide range of variants as well. For example, some students prefer to learn everything overnight. But teachers call it learning by fits and starts. As the human perception has some certain limits, the whole material can not be learned in 12 hours. Some individuals assure that they could learn Latin overnight, but in fact they are only flattering themselves. The material learned overnight will be kept in a short-term memory up to the end of the exam. The information will be scrubbed forever after the exam is over. But getting an excellent mark is not the main purpose for studying at the university, is it?

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