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Child must rise

Child Must Rise

Child must rise

Time has come when the child must rise and must see that his or her parents are taking care of him. The child shall have to see that his parents are bringing him or her properly and they are giving them proper education, proper training and after completion of training they are properly adjusted at work from where they are earning suitable income with which they shall be able to run their family well and they shall not dependant upon others and they shall not see any charity even from the state or other institutions.

The teachers, the relatives, brothers and sisters, the parents, the people in the neighbourhood and people in the society must have a look on the child and must see that his parents are not sending him to beg or to collect valuables from the garbage when it is the time of study. They must ensure that no child in their neighbourhood is out of school and his or her parents have deployed him or her on other works. These people are the supervisors and they must watch and make it sure that children around them are properly looked after.

The children from the rich families must have look on those who are from poor families and they must see that their parents are compelled to send their wards to schools and then to training institutions. We should not leave the child from the poor families at the mercy of their parents.

Here in India we had been leaving these unfortunate children at the mercy of their parents and the whole nation had been sleeping and had been looking after their own affairs. They never cared that the children from the poor families should also be allowed to have proper education and proper adjustment in life. The rich and powerful people must realize that tomorrow these people shall be large in number and most of them shall become nuisance for them. These children of today shall become criminal, drug addicts, people committing sins and people committing misconducts and they shall convert the life of rich people as a hell. They shall not allow the rich people to live a life full of pleasures because only money cannot bring pleasures.. Peace is the main source of enjoyment and peace shall be established only when all are living a reasonable life.

So dependency on parents could not work in the past and therefore, the child of today must take care of himself and must see that his parents, his society is not frustrating his life. The child must awake and must take care of himself. The child had not been taking care of himself in the past six decades and that is the reason the children are the most suffering class in India.


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