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Attracting women the importance of focus when attracting and meeting women

Attracting Women The Importance Of Focus When Attracting and Meeting Women

Let us get one thing straight, without focus your chances to attracting women is a pretty low one.
What you think about and focus on is, inevitably, what you are going to get out of life. You have to think about new ideas, new goals and new women, or your mind and behavior will exhibit the old ideas, patterns and people.

If you don’t focus on and visualize the woman of your dreams and imagine ways of attracting her all the time, then you’ll probably end up meeting someone who resembles your last girlfriend, or worse!

Visualize how you’re going to go about attracting women before you even try attracting women.
Avoid thinking about what you don’t want. If you think about not wanting a boring lazy woman, and you focus on that, chances are you’ll be meeting more of them than any other kind of woman.

You must FOCUS on what you WANT in order to GET what you WANT. This applies to all aspects of your life not just women. If you just focus on obstacles you come across, instead of your ultimate goals, you’ll continue to have setbacks! You have to focus and think about what you want all the time.

Your First Impression

Within three minutes of meeting a woman, she woman will evaluate you, judge you and stereotype you by your first impression. You have to be capable of attracting women within 3 minutes of meeting women. Despite this being an unreasonable way to judge a person, women do this to almost every man she meets.

Make those first crucial minutes work FOR you, not against you. What is communicated and observed during your first few minutes meeting and attracting a woman will dictate your future relationship with that woman: you may become friends, lovers, or possibly remain strangers.

We are all guilty of judging others based solely on their physical appearances, and our personal prejudices and shortcomings. As shallow as that may be, it’s true. You must use this judgment period to your advantage. This time is your most valuable opportunity to portray your most attractive qualities. The best way to make your first impression work for you is to adjust your physical appearance for greatest results.
Keep in mind focus is all it takes if your goal is to succeed at meeting and attracting women.

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