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Argumentative essays — what are they

Argumentative Essays — What Are They

An argumentative essay follows the same guidelines as many persuasive essays. The only thing with argumentative essays is you are not writing for people to hear your point, and decide if they want to follow your opinion. You are in it to win it; you want your audience to feel as compassionate about a certain subject as you do. You want your readers to feel your love, hatred, or overwhelming interest in the subject that you are writing about. In a way you are reconditioning the mind of your audience to think the way you do.

If you are sincerely compassionate about an issue, and want your voice to be heard, the best way to do it is through writing an argumentative essay. It’s important that you become an expert on the issue you are writing about. This assures the audience that is reading your essay that you are extremely knowledgeable about the subject you are discussing.

Avoid issues that can not be won, when you are writing an argumentative essay. There is no point in composing the essay, if the topic is open to objections. The objective of your essay is to reprogram your reader’s mind; you don’t want to leave anything up for questioning.

There are five topics that many people have differing views on. The topics are gun control, freedom of speech, abortion, the right to die, and euthanasia. There are many positive and negative aspects to all five of these heart-wrenching subjects. People are often torn as to what position to take on these important matters facing the world today. Therefore, making your audience believe what you do about the subject is extremely easy.

However, when you write on one of these hot topics, you must know all the pros and cons concerning them. You want to be seen as a person with extreme knowledge on the subject you are addressing. You don’t want to seem like someone that has an opinion but no solid proof to back it up. People aren’t searching for your opinion alone; they are searching for facts. If you cannot produce any relevant facts then your argumentative essay has not served its purpose.

Many people already have their minds made up about certain argumentative subject matters. Therefore writing a paper based on a subject that may seem close to someone’s heart, causes their curiosity to rise. People are intrigued to read things that make them have to question their beliefs. When you get someone to reconsider their train of thought on a particular subject, you pretty much have them in the bag, in the sense that they will tend towards your views concerning the matter instead of their own.

Writing argumentative material can be a joyful experience. It’s a way for you to get your voice heard, it forces people to think outside the box, and re-evaluate their entire thought process. You must always provide as many substantial facts behind an argumentative essay as possible. Once you make someone question their feelings on a particular subject, you pretty much have them hooked.

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