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Advantages of student's participation in college communities

Advantages of Student's Participation in College Communities

Each student is obliged to take an active part in college life to be abreast of the main changes occurred in the academic process. This is why it is desirable for them to be engaged into specific college unions providing them with useful information. In this respect, service learning is an important part of education program where students can evince their academic achievement by means of voluntary efforts. Indeed, volunteer work provides numerous advantages for educational process.

The main benefits of service learning for students:

1.Service learning positively influences personal development of students’ work in class and outside it. Besides, students get more socially competent.

2.Service learning creates good opportunities for students to be more active and to provide positive contributions to their career development.

3.These activities assist students in acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for their professional growth. While participating in service-learning activities, students deposit greatly to their grades and academic level.

It is obvious that service learning have demonstrated incredible benefits for almost all aspects of student life, specifically for their academic success. They also provide students with the skills that will be of great use in future. Finally, service learning has considerably increased students’ interest in knowledge acquisition. In general, such activities prove that students’ involvement in communities is beneficial.

Other benefits of involvement in community service:

1.Psychological merits: it has been proved that students are developing a more positive thinking when being engaged in communities.

2.Social merits: students are enhancing their communicational skills when establishing contacts with each other, which increases students’ social awareness.

3.Cognitive merits: participating in communities enable students to develop their political awareness and to train critical thinking and decision-making skills.

4.Cultural benefits: when participating in international communities, students have an opportunity to learn different cultures and traditions through communication.

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