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You need to be prepared for earthquakes

You Need To Be Prepared For Earthquakes

Not all of us live in earthquake zones but for those who do, you need to be prepared for the worst earthquake, especially if you live in a city. You may never experience anything more than a small tremble but there could be that time that you are in a big one. California has building codes that make structures more earthquake resistant but they are not completely earthquake proof, the damage will be less severe I guess.

You should know the rules about fastening your entertainment systems and bookshelves to the wall with some kind of string or twine by way of hooks so they do not fall over on you. Anything else in your home that has the potential of falling on someone should be fastened down or attached to the wall very good. These measures would at least take out the possibility of injury or death from falling household items.

If your house or apartment is rendered unusable do you have a tent to put up as a temporary place to get out of the weather? Better yet do you have another place to stay, maybe friends or relatives? Have a rallying point for family members if everyone was out of the house at the time of the earthquake.

Put together a backpack of items that can help you get by for at least three days in an emergency. First important items would be water and some food. Next a first aid kit would be very important and some extra clothes would be good. You can add more items as you think are needed, but these first things are a must. Everyone in your family needs one of these bags kept where it can be quickly picked up.

It would be good to put an extra bag in each vehicle in addition to each persons bag, which would always stay there. Do not borrow anything from your bags so there is no chance of forgetting to put it back. Also keep track of the food items to make sure the expiration date is not past. Just the act of the above preparations should make you more comfortable knowing you have made some preparations for something that could be devastating.

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