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What today's usa economy, it's people and the true story of noah's ark have in common — world history repeating itself

What Today's USA Economy, It's People and the True Story of Noah's Ark Have in Common — World History Repeating Itself

Remember the true story in the Bible when Noah was building an Ark in the middle of the desert with no rain in sight, and there hadn’t been rain in his «neck of the woods» for years and years.

Plus remember when the heathen in his day were laughing at Noah and taunting him about being so foolish as to build a big huge boat that wasn’t even needed out in the middle of nowhere, and never will be.

Well years and more years went by and Noah just kept building away one piece at a time and working hard to build this Gigantic Ark that God told him to build while nobody else was listening or even cared.

They just thought Noah was nuts and that was that right? In other words as Noah was building his Ark, and everybody else was just going about their everyday business like nobody else’s business not really thinking about the future or what God was preparing Noah for; the impending doom of Mankind that was «outside» of the Ark and wasn’t prepared, because they («the heathen») didn’t see it coming since they were not listening to God, just Men in their day.

Doesn’t that remind you of today? Right…

Well today’s economy is presenting the same exact conditions. In other words 95% of most Americans have their «head in the sand» so to speak and are just plodding along with life, their little jobs, family, and doing what they normally do without thought of the future and what it will bring: financial disaster.

I’ve been reading many financial books and listening to many people who know a lot more about money and finance than I do, and many say that America as we knew it is over and that we need to get ready for the financial drought that is coming upon the USA and other countries.

In other words, the World economy is crumbling right before American’s eyes and most don’t see it or even care enough to do anything on the side to make money other than their no leverage «job» (just over broke — if even fortunate enough to have one in today’s shaky economy) in order to be prepared for a World economy going down and out for the count.

With the US dollar literally shriveling in value at a record pace, and as the World watches huge Earth Quakes and Volcanoes rocking countries and Islands around the World along with World Wars and rumors of Wars, planet Earth is going through and will continue to go through massive change and human beings all over the World will suffer like never before.

Yes, even here in the USA mass suffering for lack of even basic necessities is more than likely to occur and for years to come as Americans see their jobs, and incomes getting «picked apart» or even disappear at record pace because of the huge burden of taxes on businesses that provide jobs, cost of living, and just plain job wage stagnation.

The numbers, and facts do not lie, and with unemployment over 10% and the trend growing in that direction fast. American’s need to wake up to the fact that a «JOB» (just over broke 1:1: ratio job) with no leverage to help them get ahead financially, plus traditional methods of investing for the long term in the stock market, 401K, and other «so called» financial vehicles just isn’t going to «cut it» anymore.

So savvy Americans will and need to take drastic action (i.e. build their ark), in building their own home based, and/or other businesses to be prepared for the inevitable future most Americans are going to face: massive financial suffering on a MASS scale here in the USA and abroad.

Future USA generations such as generation «O» (OH NO, I’m broke, and in MASSIVE debt generation), are in for a rude awakening, and unfortunately with the USA’s Government’s on all levels out of control with spending American’s money and future’s away, and lack of fiscal responsibility by politicians on all levels all the way to the top are going to hurt the «Ouch» generation (as I call them) in a big huge way right in their wallets, and pocket books.

Future Americans (generation «O» and beyond) will more than likely drown in financial debt from extremely high taxes, cost of living, frozen wages, and massive job losses like the people who drowned in Noah’s day except in a different way (financially) because they didn’t build their financial Ark, and so are lost forever.

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