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What extracurricular activities can have your child at school

What extracurricular activities can have your child at school?

Scientist say that children who spend more time engaged in extracurricular activities are less liable to different psychological disorders and have better level of study at school than children who seat always at home watching TV or playing video games. Different achievement which students gain in extracurricular competitions and events boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. All this activities can help children to open their hidden talents, to share their interests, to develop communicating skills deal with other people. Some notes for parents At the beginning of school parents should let their children without any pushing on them to decide by themselves what extracurricular activity they want to choose. There is one thing in which parents can help. They should control if their child can cope with this occupation, isn’t it too hard for him/her, does their child have enough time to take part in this activities without missing classes and communicating with family. Variety of choice When children are growing up it is going to be more and more of interesting activities for them. In some of them they could take part as a team like in soccer, football, basketball, rugby, volleyball. Or it could be unions by their interests in photography, music, politics, modeling, design, reading, movies, extreme sports, chess, quests, environmental protection, debating and different languages. But also children can take part in activities which differ by their culture, nationality, heritage and habits like groups for Afro Americans, Jewish people, Latinos. Also it should be groups for gays and lesbians which will protect their rights and interests. Where to get the information Usually information about extracurricular activities can be found at schools on their public bulleting boards or some teachers will make an announcement on their classes. For example a teacher of geography will tell about the travelling club. So let your child be unique and provide him/her a necessary support.

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