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Things you should know about how to become a firefighter

Things You should Know About How to Become a Firefighter

Copyright (c) 2010 Donald Cirillo

If you are interested in becoming a firefighter it’s in your best interest to be aware of the things that are required to achieve your goal with the best results possible. By gaining a little insight on the general basics, procedures and requirements, you can safeguard both your path for becoming a firefighter and that of your future.

The main steps to take in order to pursue the firefighting career are the application procedures, exam process and training. Applications generally entail health exams, physicals, and background checks. Background checks mainly focus on potential candidates and whether or not they have any previous crimes, especially ones that revolve around arson, as well as to see how clean their driving record may be. While each location may vary on their requirements, every fire department will require that you go through fire academy training. With many departments, individuals may also be expected to take a psychological exam in order to see if they are stable enough to handle the job, along with the stress factors that are often within the field. After the application and the exam process have been completed successfully, you will then train in a fire academy, where you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the science of fires and how they work, as well as gain training on how to fight them. You will also gain insight on the different kinds of equipment that are used while on the job, as well as learn how to use them as if you were in a real life situation. Once you have completed your training at the academy, you will become a certified firefighter.

Once you have completed training and become certified, you will have the chance to work with a local fire department so that you can get hands-on experience. However, there can also be a wait with many departments which may impact as to whether or not you are taking on as a volunteer worker, bearing no form of income, or one who is either part-time or full-time.

While the general guidelines and rules for firefighting can vary on location, most require that a person is at least 18 years old, although some may allow those who are 17 years of age to apply. On the other hand, some locations may have a maximum limit in age, which is most often 29 years old in some locations. Also, most departments and academies require that the individual has at least a GED or high school diploma before they are considered.

Many individuals opt to increase their chances for getting through the door by showing their ambition or dedication for becoming a firefighter. While there are several ways to do this, one of the more popular ways is to do volunteer work for firefighter-related fields, as well as going for firefighting ride-alongs. Others may also choose to gain experience or knowledge in first aid such as with CPR or other medical-related training, as well as learning how to drive emergency-type vehicles. If you think that firefighting is the right career choice for you, then it’s always a good idea to check with your local fire departments and academies in order to get a feel for their requirements and guidelines. Not only will you get a better idea of what to expect and what to prepare for, but you’ll also ensure your chances for what it takes to become a firefighter.

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