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Teachers teaching gender

Teachers Teaching Gender


The research seeks to establish whether teachers give gender related cues, whether they give more attention to one gender over another and whether this has an overall effect. Literature reviews indicate that there are some links between gender and student’s self perception. This research will show how teachers can affect that perception.

Data will be collected through non-probability sampling. The study will entail use of structured interviews and secondary data. The structured interviews will be administered through the Likert Scale. Statistical analysis will involve variance analysis. Here, data will be compared to a grand mean and a value established. Thereafter, there will be correlational values established. If the correlational values are near zero then there is no relationship.

It is expected that some teachers give gender specific assignments and it is also expected that teachers give more attention to one gender more than the other.


Gender is a two-pronged matter because it can be determined either biologically or sociologically. Hormones and genes contribute towards the biological aspect while society, culture and other forms of interaction affect the sociological aspect of gender. Many sociologists assert that environmental interactions are more important than biological interactions in determining gender constructions. This is because through socialization, individuals develop their attitudes, values, characteristics and behaviors with regard to gender roles.

Given this background, there is a need to understand the relationship between gender roles and teaching practices. The research aims at showing how teachers assign gender specific roles to their students. Additionally, it will indicate how teacher-attention varies with gender. If these findings indicate that these values are present, there could be a very serious problem in the field of education. By possessing such an attitude, teachers are reinforcing stereotypes and encouraging inequality in learning; this severely hampers a child’s self-concept and hence his/her future.

Teachers have an important yet sensitive responsibility; to shape student’s character. However, teachers are still products of society and some of them may give wrong gender cues either consciously or subconsciously. The research seeks to approve or disapprove this possibility.


Travis et al (2006) in their journal ; ‘Teaching Diversity at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Beyond, submitted to the American Political Science Association’ conducted research related to the research question by looking at the current education curriculum and whether this reflected the diverse nature of student bodies. The article gives some suggestions on how the issue of diversity can be incorporated into the school system. They also look at the practicalities of changing a school teaching system.

Travis et al (2006) focused on educational materials and its inclusivity. They measured the ability of the curriculum to meet the needs of the current classroom population. The issue of gender was incorporated in ‘diversity’. The study also focused on teaching materials with particular emphasis on the availability and content of teaching materials. Consequently, this article is crucial to the research because it gives an insight into current teaching perspectives.

The latter article has a high validity because it sacks to examine instructional techniques in schools and their relation to diversity. The authors have done this successfully by analyzing curriculum content (in subjects such as history) against the background of diversity. This research was explanatory in nature because other authors have looked at the issue of diversity in the curriculum. However, these authors add some value to the topi by looking at attitudes and practical aspects. The authors chose the limits of generalizability by choosing the right tools to represent diversity. These included gender, race, ethnicity and national origin. The study mostly focused on curriculum issues consequently no participants were chosen. The major threat to validity in this research was dwelling on the curriculum without examining the prevalent attitudes and opinions about the issue of diversity. This article is relevant to the research question because it encourages the incorporation of diversity in teaching. Travis et al (2006) asses teaching attitudes towards diversity by looking at institutional indicators such as the curriculum. Through this article, one can assess whether or not the current education sector has adopted inclusivity and this can then be inferred to teacher attitudes.

Hoffman, R. M. (2006) in her journal ‘Gender Self-Definition and Gender Self-Acceptance in Women: Intersections With Feminist, Womanist, and Ethnic Identities’ wanted to find out the link between the gender roles and how this affect other parts of an individual’s life.

The article is related to the research question because it provides a platform for measuring gender related attitudes. This applies to teacher’s attitudes and the students as well.

Hoffman (2006) ensures validity by using a well-accepted method of measuring gender self-confidence through a Hoffman Gender scale. The same author had generated the scale in the year 1996. The data is reliable because her purpose is to examine the intersections of womanist and ethnic ideals in relation to gender self-confidence. She has been able to do this through an accurate assessment of the underlying factors that determine one’s masculinity or femininity. This research was exploratory in nature because there are no similar hypotheses. The author chose a number of ethnically diverse persons during her study. Their gender self-definition and self-acceptance was accessed against the background of ethnic and feminist ideals. The major threat to validity caused by this research is determining a distinction between womanist and feminist ideals. Additionally, the research mostly relies on the Hoffman Gender Scale; this scale has some inaccuracies that can interfere with the validity of the research.

Hoffman’s (2006) research variable was an ethnically diverse population. She considered the native participants as the control variables while other ethnic groups were considered as participants in the survey.

The author laid out the research design in such manner it was based on a combination of theoretical constructs and a quantitative analysis. As a result, the outcomes are dependable. She utilized sampling techniques, secondary data and an evaluation of the results to come up with an accurate analysis. Consequently, the conclusion made in the study will be a solid source of information for the research.

Ovadia, (2001) seeks to determine whether the intersection theory is true; i.e. whether there is a relationship between gender, class and race. The research’s validity is ensured through employment of regression analysis. This research was a replication with modification. The major threat to validity is that it is difficult to quantify some of the parameters he used such as career, equality and money. There were no controls in this case. The research design is quite appropriate to the research because it gives an indication of what kind of factors affect gender identity among students and among teachers. The research found that gender affects a student’s choice of family values and career.

Kuli (2008) sought to establish a relationship between the nature of gender identity and substance abuse in Mexico. This article is related to the research hypothesis in that is explains the nature of behavioral outcomes with regard to gender. The research is exploratory as no other hypotheses have been done. Participants were chosen on the basis of their gender and their schools. Validity was assured through logistic and liner regressive analysis. However, the study involved substance abuse intentions as one of the parameters. This is a threat to validity as it is not a direct measure of substance abuse. Control variables in this study involved affective femininity and assertive masculinity. This research design is appropriate to the research question because it will guide the research methodologies employed in the research. Additionally, it indicates that gender roles affect out overall behavior. This denotes that the same may apply in the classroom scenario.

Summary of the lessons from the literature review

Different societies have different gender values thus bringing about the different perceptions. Gender roles may be facilitated through traditional channels or otherwise. In instances where the traditional approach is taken, then this enforces gender roles. The process of enforcement may occur either in learning institutions, places of work, mass media, through community interactions, politics and others. Individuals have a way of picking up on social cues either indirectly or directly.


The overall research objective is to establish whether teachers demonstrate gender cues in the classroom and how this affects the student population in the end. The research questions are as follows;

  • Do teachers assign gender specific roles to students?
  • Do teachers vary the level of attention allocated to each gender?
  • How do teachers’ gender attitudes affect children?

The first research question is particularly important because if it is found that they do assign different roles to their students, then they could be telling their students that they are incapable of performing certain tasks. Consequently, such students tend to limit their possibilities. (Kuli, 2008) The second research question will indicate whether or not teachers prefer on gender over the other. Such an attitude is very dangerous in the classroom because it reinforces stereotypes. It limits the opportunities to members of one gender and makes it too easy for members of the preferred gender. If found to be true, the research will provide school administrators and other stakeholders in the field of education an opportunity to understand and possibly reverse this stereotype. The last aspect of the research question is particularly important because it gives an insight into the positive or negative repercussion of teacher attitudes. This will go a long way in establishing some of the possible solutions towards this problem. This is because it will highlight the root causes. (Kuli, 2008)


Statistical analysis

Data analysis encompasses two major factors; reliability and magnitude. Magnitude is ascertained by inferring a relationship between the two variables to be measured. In this case, magnitude will be determined by; first examining the relationship between  teacher assignments and the roles of the students. It will also be determined by establishing a relationship between teacher-attention and gender.  If the research finds that a high number of teachers give more attention to male students than females, then the magnitude of the two variables is high and there is a relationship. (Saunders, 1999)

One cannot measure reliability directly. This will be determined through inference based on secondary information. The research ought to concur with some previous writings in order to establish whether they are on truck.

After examining the definitions of the what needs to assessed statistically, the next challenge is how to measure this magnitude. There are three variables under consideration i.e.

  • Gender
  • Teacher-attention
  • Teacher-assignments

The research seeks to establish a relationship between these variables. The most appropriate approach in this case is through the Likert Scale. It should be understood that the analysis seeks to measure the observable relationships and ideal relationships. The analysis will involve determining the extent of the relationship between two parameters i.e. (gender and teacher assignments) and (gender and teacher attention) the comparison of these same variables will be done after considering an ideal situation. In this case, if the research shows that the percentage of girls who get more attention from their teachers is thirty percent while the percent of boys who get more attention from their teachers is ten percent then there is a relationship between the two. The results will be compared to the grand mean which is zero. Therefore the deviation from the grand mean will be thirty and ten percent for females and males respectively. Zero will be the grand mean because there ought to be no relationship between teacher attention and gender. Teachers should give the same amount of attention to males and females. Therefore, the ideal situation in this case is zero. (Saunders, 1999)

However, before calculation of a grand mean, there is a need to establish a representative value for all the answers obtained in the research. The data will be collected by the Likert Scale, consequently, methods of analysis will also be limited to this method of research. Adapt collection will be divided into different Likert items; each Likert item will give information about a particular parameter. All of them will be arranged in bar charts and the mean calculations obtained. This will apply to all question about teacher attention and gender and also all the questions about teacher assignments and gender. Thereafter, the mean values will be compared to the grand values thus establishing a correlation. This will be done for both instances. If the correlation is very close to zero then there is no relationship between gender and teacher-attention or gender and teacher-assignments. In case the correlational value in one parameter i.e. teacher assignment is higher than that in teacher-attention, then one can conclude that the main factor in the research is teacher-assignment.

Data collection

After establishing the research hypothesis and determining the statistical methods of analysis, it is necessary to establish the variables involved and hence the method of data collection.

As stated earlier, there are three major variables in the research; gender, teacher attention and teacher assignments. The independent variable in this case is gender because it cannot be manipulated; one is either male or female. On the other hand, teacher-attention and teacher-assignment can be manipulated and therefore qualify as the dependent variables. (Meyers et al, 2005)

The research will employ a combination of methods because experts assert that this approach ensures the deficiencies in one method are compensated by the advantages in another. The survey will employ the use of two approaches; structured interviews for primary research and data analysis for secondary research. Structured interviews will be used for the first and second research questions i.e.; assessment of the relationship between gender & teacher assignment and gender & teacher attention. Secondary research will be applied for the third research questions which seeks to find out the effect of teacher attitudes on students. Secondary data will be obtained from

  • Surveys
  • Peer reviewed data
  • Documentaries
  • Etc

The primary aspect of the research will involve structured interviews. This will involves asking respondents a set number of questions and requiring them to respond by giving the right responses. Such an approach is appropriate because it gives an eighty percent completion chance. One cannot obtain similar rates if they had mailed the questions to the interviewee. The other major advantage with this method of data collection is that it gives uniform responses thus making data analysis very easy. However, the major drawback to the method is that it does not leave any room for individual expression.

The structured interviews will be arranged according to the Likert scale. The Likert scale involves dividing the responses into two types of categories that is the agree or disagree model. The interviewer will approach a number of students who have agreed to take part in the survey. Then, they will be asked whether they agree or disagree with the questions in the structured interview. The response will be divided into four responses

  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly agree
  • Strongly disagree

(Likert, 1932)

The first research hypothesis will involve a number of questions. Students will be asked whether their teacher asks girls more questions than boys. They will be asked whether the teacher gives girls more precedence when handing in assignments, whether they give girls special privileges when responding to questions. The answers will be analyzed through bar charts. (Babbie, 2005)

The second research question, which seeks to establish a relationship between teacher assignments and gender, will require students to answer some of the following questions; do your teachers give boys specific tasks in the classroom? Do teachers allow students to take part in all classroom tasks or are some exclusive to a particular gender? After students give their responses, a variance analysis of the responses will be done as suggested earlier.

The research will balance the total number of students as there will be thirty boys and thirty girls. The students will each come from different schools. Samples will be collected through non-probability sampling. In this case, schools will be selected at random without performing any prior calculations. This is important in minimizing biases. However, the main disadvantage with this is difficult to determine whether the population chosen is accurate enough to respond to the research questions accurately. Additionally, this method does not allow one to calculate the sampling error. However, it is simple and convenient to use.


How I will protect my subjects from harm

The issue of ethics is always paramount in any sort of research. Before beginning the interview, all the respondents will be informed that their responses will be kept anonymous. No respondent will take part in the interview without consenting to it first. Additionally, the interviewer will stress the need to cooperate with the respondents in order to ensure that all goes well. (Babbie, 2005)

Expected Results

Since teachers are products of society, it is expected that there will be a correlational value between the teacher assignment and gender. In this case, it is likely that teachers will favor boys in certain technical courses. Also, it is possible that there will be a link between teacher attention and gender. Again, it is likely that teachers favor boys in technical courses. Consequently, most of them may not do as well as they should in the end.


Babbie, Earl R. (2005): The Basics of Social Research; Thomson Wadsworth, p. 174

Likert, Rensis (1932): A Technique for the Measurement of Attitudes; Archives of Psychology 140: pp. 1-55

Meyers, L. et al (2005): Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation. Sage Publications Inc, p. 20

Statistics New Zealand (2006): Demographic trends 2005 (No.16.001). Wellington: Author

Saunders, M. (1999), Research Methods for Business Students, Prentice Hill, London.

Turek SL. Orthopedics. Principles and their Applications. 4th ed. Lippincott — Raven publishers. 1984;1290-92.

Conference Papers. (2006). Teaching «Diversity» at the Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Beyond. American Political Science Association — Teaching & Learning.

Hoffman, R. M. (2006). Gender Self-Definition and Gender Self-Acceptance in Women: Intersections With Feminist, Womanist, and Ethnic Identities. Journal of Counseling & Development, Vol. 84(Issue 3), p358-372.

Kulis, S., Marsiglia, F. F., Lingard, E. C., Nieri, T., & Nagoshi, J. (2008). Gender identity and substance use among students in two high schools in Monterrey, Mexico. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 95(Issue 3), 11p.

Ovadia, S. (2001). Race, Class, and Gender Differences in High School Seniors’ Values: Applying Intersection Theory in Empirical Analysis. Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited), Vol. 82(Issue 2).

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