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Rocket german — how to speak in german

Rocket German — How To Speak In German

When learning a new language, grammar is important. But it is also equally important to master the accent too. The German accent has a unique sound to it, there’s no mistaking the abrupt dialect and distinguishable approach to consonants. If you need to learn how to speak in German accent, you just have to practice some simple rules.

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First of all lose the letter W because German people don’t use this sound. Instead, they use it with a V sound. So, in this sentence: «We are going to get wet.» It should sound like «Ve are going to get vet.» You should make the effort to really pronounce the V sound too. That way it will make your accent sound very genuine.

However, since the V sound has been assigned to the W, we need to replace all V’s with an F sound. Try this sentence: «We had some very nice vegetables for supper». It should sounds like, «Ve had some fery nice fegetables for supper.» Take note of how we practice the W and the V here.

Learning how to speak in German accent means replacing the sound of Th with a D. This is due to the fact that native German speakers have a hard time getting their tongue around the «th» sound. So in this sentence: «They don’t like the vegetables». It should sound like, «Dey don’t like de fegetables.» So here we go again, since we have already assigned the D sound, we need to replace D with a T sound. . Try this: «Dogs are good pets.» It should sound like «Togs are goot pets.»

One of the less appealing aspects of learning to talk with a German accent is the need to practice speaking from the back of your throat. It’s like every word ends with a phlegm sound. Try saying «ich» and «ach» while letting the sounds roll around in your throat for a little bit. At first it might not be easy, but just think of it as clearing your throat and speaking at the same time.

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