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Provo canyon school close to utah, school programs/ reviews/ statements/ truth

Provo Canyon School Close to Utah, School Programs/ Reviews/ Statements/ Truth

Provo Canyon School Close to Utah, School Programs/ Reviews/ Statements/ Truth

Provo Canyon School located close to Orem, UT 84097 for over 35 and more years, has treated over 5000 patients. Many children had seen no change in

their condition from earlier options of treatment until they came to Provo Canyon School.

The childrens in the age group of twelve through seventeen, who were found suffering from cruel and inhumane treatment and abuse kind of enviornment in

their earlier schools and neighbourhoods, were successfully cured and enjoyed their schooling in Provo Canyon School.

Below are some statements from Parent and Students, Provo Canyon School.


— Four years later, he still talks about the role the school played, how it made college life a pleasant experience for him.

— All the earlier places gave up, but Provo Canyon did not do so.

— Her grades have improved since she joined Provo. Surprising, she was always an average student otherwise…

— I was reassured with teachers with more than 20 years experience guiding my child.

— The Provo Canyon therapist had a separate plan for our daughter. This gave us confidence and hope.

— I felt like having a new son who had been lost for sometime.

— My son is taken proper care of, all through the day there is the Provo staff looking after his needs.

— It was surprising even for himself that his reading and writing abilities had improved greatly.

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— It has been only a year since I left Provo Canyon but I already miss it. There was so much to do.

— Trips to snowy places, hiking and other sport activities, it was great fun.

— I was there when the Katrina hurricane fundraiser was held. We did a great job and learnt a lot about teamwork.

— On one occasion we rebuild a home damaged by fire, the confidence and encouragement we got from that work was tremendous.

— I lost my shyness and interacted freely, because there was no other way about it.

— We have so much to do; there is no time for thinking negatively or being idle.

— I had problems in reading aloud and speaking before a class that gradually disappeared at Provo Canyon School Utah.

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