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Nothing just happens

Nothing Just Happens

Nothing Just Happens

I believe that we are all intended, created and sustained by the forces of ALL! The ALL is what I call God. I believe that this power source, this Infinite Intelligence knew and knows for certain, what it intends, therefore, to think that anything just happens is to think it incapable or unwilling to bring about harmony and peace in our lives. That would be a contradiction in terms and in actuality.

The All, or Infinite Intelligence knows all and is all knowing, therefore, “how can anything just happen?” There must be a reason, and that reason must be for the betterment of all, because The Great ALL cannot have an interest against itself. What do I mean by itself? You are a concentration of the great ALL! You are an outpouring, or creation from Diving Mind. Each and everything in creation is also a degree, but in lesser degrees of vibration. All things go back to its source, and your source is the Great ALL or God. Therefore the evolutionary process or the in drawing is back to The Great ALL.

So, we have the involution (outpouring) and the evolution (in drawing) back to our home, which is to none other than the Great ALL or God. Now we have a free will, a will to choose things, places, people and what goes on in our lives. Whatever we do, we cause an outward effect. Although one might ask, “how can we learn from crime and why did god make crime?” First of all, God did not make crime, man did! But, in the lesson, there is the evolution of man’s ascension back to that highly conscious state of light and love for all things. That is the true stuff that we are all made of; it is our very essence, the elements that make us human beings.

The clues in life, whether they are joyous and loving, or criminal and painful, are our yearning back to higher consciousness. Remember, it is we, not God, that choose what we do, and it is up to us to get back on track. That much talked about “Silver Lining” in the cloud is the light shining no matter what happens, ready to guide us back to right conscious or right thinking and actions.

I believe that we are spiritual beings, having human experiences. When we behave in ways that are in contradiction to our natural perfection and peace, we can have no real or lasting peace. The non-peace is a clue! The broken relationships show us what is broken in our world, in our inner being. We are all surgeons; some are more competent (conscious) than others. We are reconnecting to what we already are, and in our being yearned to realize. This yearning to find, seek, desire, and to have, is not conscious in most people.

Most people are driven by their ego, which is running their life. The ego is running their life because they will not or have not stepped up to the plate to do the operating. The ego serves its useful purposes, but leader and controller is not one of its purposes. The egoist mind is the call to us to pay attention to the voice of intention, which connects directly with source, but what is more important to understand is that, “we are that very same source!” We are merely

Orchestrator of fear, worry, pain, jealousy, stress and so on. Since the ALL cannot have an interest against itself, this same ego’s activity provides valuable clues that we are off balance, and out of sync with the Great ALL. The ego can never be satisfied, it is out of its function and operating a rocket to the moon, with a toddler mentality! That is a clue!

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