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Most important thing learned at college

Most Important Thing Learned At College

The most important thing that I learned about college life while attending the university is time management. You really need to learn to balance all aspects of life to make it all work.


When I first got to school I had all of this new found freedom and I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. It was so easy to stay up all night playing video games and hanging out with friends, then just not wake up and go to class the next day. But quickly you learn you can’t keep that up and you need to balance your time. You need to go to class, and you also need to balance your study time with your play time. Too much of one thing is bad, if you study all the time you will be unhappy and college is supposed to be fun. On the other hand to much playing around will result in bad grades and soon you find yourself wondering why you spent ten thousand dollars to get kicked out of college and be sent back home. Time management is extremely important in everything at college. Everything is on a schedule, the buses, classes, any jobs you might have, dining halls, quiet hours. You really need to get on a pattern of when you can do what, and find a pattern that works for you. I personally found out that if I go to all of my classes, and do as much homework during breaks during my school day, and then do the rest of my homework right when I get back from class it works best for me. I enjoy having free time to do as I please and being able to relax at night.It is much better than having to study right before going to bed.


Once I learned to balance my life with time management college because twice as easy, twice the fun, and half the stress.  Hopefully you are able to learn from my mistake and save your self a lot of stress by using the propery time management right out of the gate and get yourself on your way to a solid semester.

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