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LOT-824 Exam
Building Portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6
Exam Number/Code : LOT-824
Exam Name : Building Portlets with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory 6
Questions and Answers : 80 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-04-05
LOT-824 Price: $ 96.00

Testinside LOT-824 Learning exam includes offical answers and detailed explanations, Testinside LOT-824 Exam Certification exam helps you test yourself in a real time environment of IBM LOT-824 Certification exam.and help you pass the IBM LOT-824 exam in the first time!

3. After working with a builder for several days, it is decided that John must consume some data from a Lotus Domino database. How can he most easily enhance his project to include data from Domino?
A. Use the Notes ODBC driver to consume Domino data
B. Add the Lotus Collaboration Integration Extension to his project
C. Export the Domino data to Excel, then add an Excel Integration Extension to the project
D. Integrate Domino with a relational database using Domino Enterprise Connection Services (DECS), then consume the data using a native JDBC driver
Answer: B

IBM LOT-824 Practice Questions and Answers with Explanations are available in PDF format. You can use our IBM LOT-824 Practice Questions and Answers with Explanations, because our IBM LOT-824 Practice Exam with Explanations contain accurate answers and detailed explanations to each IBM LOT-824 Exam objective.

8. To get a better understanding of a data service proviser, Gene would like his provider model to automatically create some documentation. In which builder call he generate documentation, and how?
A. SQL Call builder, by selecting «Include Documentation»
B. Comment builder, by adding appropriate comments to the model
C. Service Definition builder, by selecting «Generate Main» and «Include Documentation»
D. SQL DataSource, by defining data that has embedded comments as one of the columns to return
Answer: C

Testinside provides IBM LOT-824 exam study materials,such as IBM LOT-824 Braindumps, LOT-824 Study Guides,LOT-824 exam Questions with Answers, LOT-824 Training materials, LOT-824 free demo and so on.Your IBM LOT-824 PDF Preparation will be easily solved online by the LOT-824 free demo. All Windows Platforms are applicable for the test inside the LOT-824 free demo,and contains the more recent IBM LOT-824 Exam Objectives.

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