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Learn to speak japanese quickly

Learn to Speak Japanese Quickly!

The Japanese language is one of the widely used Asian lingoes in the world. Statistics have it that more than 130 million people speak Nihongo all around the globe. Like any foreign language, it is always difficult to learn something that is not your native tongue. Here are a few pointers that may help you learn to speak Japanese in the easiest way possible:

1. Find the time to learn. In any aspect of learning, it is always important that you devote time into studying the language. Assess your reasons as to why you want to learn to speak Japanese and draw determination from there. In order to gain comprehension, you have to have the dedication.

2. Get an audio book that will aid you in your knowledge. The best way to learn to speak Japanese is for you to read and understand the words and their meanings, as well as listen to how they are being said. You can browse the internet or go straight to a nearby bookstore and look for the best book that may suit your needs.

3. While listening to the tape, try to catch key phrases phonetically and notice how vowels are being pronounced. Unlike English vowel accents, Japanese vowels are more pure in pronunciation and have no short sounds.

4. Try reading the words and phrases aloud. You can face the mirror while mimicking the words so as to see the movement of your lips. Make sure that you make a mental note of the meaning of the words as you say them. Memorize simple Japanese conversation phrases first such as: «How are you?» or «What is your name?» It is best to learn to speak Japanese in phrases or sentences so as not to have a hard time translating English sentences word per word.

5. Remember as you learn to speak Japanese that their language has a system in respect to formality and politeness. These prefixes or suffixes are often used to refer to different types of people. Try to also take note of the meaning of the verbs as the Japanese language emphasizes on the action.

6. If you can watch Japanese children’s shows, observe how these various phrases are being used. Japanese children’s shows often use basic Nihongo words that are understandable and relatable. You may use pointer #3 here and try to respond to their statements based on your understanding. You can also go back to your book and check on new words you have learned.

7. Practice. The more you practice, the easier it will be to learn to speak Japanese. This action will help you memorize and improve your vocabulary in their tongue. You may do so by speaking to Japanese-American citizens in your area. Do not focus on the possibility that you will not be understood, instead concentrate on their responses and go with the flow of the conversation. Do not be afraid to ask if you cannot understand. The Japanese people appreciate efforts of people who try to learn their language.

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