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How to study

How To Study

The SQ3R Study Method


     As students prepare to midterm, end of grade testing, and final exams, it is important to know how to study effectively. 

The SQ3R Study Method is a complete method which may be applied to any subject matter with excellent results. It may be used in reading an article, a book, or applied in learning the content of an entire course.

The first step in applying this method is SURVEY (S). Survey the material to be learned. Scan it in its entirety. Note the way the information is organized and its format. Pay special attention to the table of contents and chapter or topic headings. Look for any outlines or summaries of the material covered. Read them carefully. Familiarize yourself with the style of writing and the way information is organized. This survey should be done thoroughly and quickly. Make brief notes.

After surveying the material, write down QUESTIONS (Q) you expect to be answered by the material. These questions represent what you expect to learn.

The main purpose of surveying the material and writing relevant questions is to stimulate your mind and call forth what you already know about the material being studied. As you survey the material, silently instruct your mind to recall all that you know about the subject.


«Whatever I know about (this subject)

comes to the forefront of my thinking.»

Next, READ (R1) the material thoroughly. As you read the material, think about the questions you expect to be answered. But, do not get sidetracked from your reading. Complete this reading from beginning to end. Make brief, concise notes of important information covered in your reading. Once you have completed the material, determine if all your questions have been answered. If not, why not? If so, write the answers down.

Now, REVIEW (R2) the material thoroughly. Focus on your notes and markings throughout the text. Make additional notes if necessary. Review the  important points and concentrate on learning them.

Finally, test yourself. RECITE (R3) orally what you have learned from your studies. Anything you cannot recall during this recitation exercise, you probably won’t be able to recall at a later time. Recite the important points over and over until they are etched in your mind. Once you can recite the important points without looking at the material or at your notes, you have mastered this material once and for all.

Even if you do not totally understand some portions of the material, you will at the very least be able to recall it for future examination. Tell yourself that the information you recite is stored forever in your mind, and you have ready access to it in the future.

Use this method as you read this book. Apply it chapter by chapter. The results will astound you.


Next week: The Truth About Success

© 2009 LifeSkill Institute, Inc.    Visit our website: www.lifeskillinstitute.org


Based on The Twelve Universal Laws of Success, Second Edition, Expanded, ISBN 0-9748362-1-4 a new book by Herbert Harris, available at Amazon.com or through the www.lifeskillinstitute.org. Visit Mr. Harris’ Success Team website at www.herbertharris.com. Call (800) 570-4009 to order books. Visit our website for weekly success message and download Twelve Affirmations To Live By Poster.

E-mail: lifeskill@earthlink.net to receive our Success Newsletter.


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