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How to pass an exam: important dos and don'ts for students

How to Pass an Exam: Important DOs and DON'Ts for Students

Student life is full of unpredictable events that make students smile, enjoy, study, and analyze. However, a number of events are predictable and not always joyful, and one of such events is passing an exam. To be ready to pass an exam, a student has to take certain steps, read a lot, remember many facts, and be ready to interpret the material found. It is not always possible to take each step correctly, this is why you are here and waiting for some hints to rely on. What you may find in this article is a list of DOs and DON’Ts which are important for passing an exam. HOW TO PASS AN EXAM: DOS FOR STUDENTS Read a lot and make some notes to make sure you can rely on them any time; Create a timetable according to which you have to study; Consult your tutor in case you are not sure about some point; Have rest to get more powers to continue study and be in a good physical form; Study the marking scheme and clear up what is expected from you; Visit a library to find out necessary material, meet people with the same problems, and get several pieces of advice; Pay enough attention to each question even if you know it for sure, revision is good for those who are going to pass an exam. This list is not full but still the main aspects are described. Try to take all of them into consideration and pass an exam! HOW TO PASS AN EXAM: DON’TS FOR STUDENTS Visit parties every night even after you learn the material required; Remember about the exam at its eve; Prepare for exams and eat/watch TV/call friends/do the house simultaneously; Study all days and night long: do not put your health under a threat; Quarrel with the tutor who is going to take an exam; Hang out with friends who have to pass the same exam (it may happen that their level of readiness is higher than yours); Be careful with all these DON’Ts in order not to spoil your exams. Good luck!

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