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How to make paintball guns

How To Make Paintball Guns

It is not too difficult to build your own paintball gun but not many know the proper steps on how to make paintball guns.

First you need to start off with the materials. Preparing the materials may be an obstacle as some of the items are not available everywhere. The list of items you need to construct a paintball gun includes a one-foot PVC pipe, two PVC tees, two PVC elbows, a one-foot PVC end cap, a saw, a three-quarter ball valve and a three-quarter nipple. After preparing all the required items, you should label the tees. The straight end parts of one tee should be labeled, for example as M1 and M2 while the perpendicular edge as M3. Same goes to the other tee, as N1, N2 and N3 for the perpendicular part. The materials should be handled with care as it is quite dangerous, especially for a novice to handle these items.

When you are with the labeling, it is time you connect the PVC elbows to the one-foot long of PVC pipe. First cut out four pieces of four-inch-long PVC pipe from the one-foot PVC pipe. If the cut PVC pipes have threads on them then you should use a plumber’s glue to cover the threads. Then use primer and cement to attach the two elbows onto the pipe.

After that apply the primer and cement onto the two PVC tees. Connect the ends of the tees labeled M3 and N1 to the corners of the pipe. The other ends are then glued together to create the shape of a box. Then it is time to assemble the external parts. For this, you will need some screws and screwdrivers on hand. The nipple is first screwed onto the tee with the end labeled as M2, then the anew onto the ball valve. Next the PVC pipe is screwed onto the ball valve to ensure that the gun barrel is put firmly onto its place. If you find it too difficult to be done you may seek help from people who know how to make paintball guns.

Next the openings are made using a driller into the end cap to fit the tire valve. Attach the tire valve properly onto the end cap by using a good adhesive. The measure a nine-inch length of the one-foot long PVC pipe and cut it out. The tee with the edge M2 is then glued onto the PVC pipe. Connect also the end cap onto the pipe. Leave it to dry for about two days and it should be ready to be used.

Remember to test the paintball gun before using it for real. You may test it on the walls of non-human targets. Making your own paintball gun could be fun and exciting besides saving a lot. It also gives a personal touch towards the game and is extremely unique.

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