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How to improve concentration

How To Improve Concentration

Concentration is your ability to work without letting people, feelings or activities get in the way.  It is the key to achieve that peak performance, necessary to stay ahead in today’s competitive world.  How to improve concentration while studying or working?  Here are some tips to improve concentration to increase our productivity and give ourselves greater peace of mind.

1) We must stop trying to do several things at once. For example, give yourself permission working on a task and not to check your email, turn off the ringer on your phone and if possible, shut down your computer if you will be tempted to surf the web. If you are studying, don’t think about what to do later in the day.

2) Taking notes or highlighting key points are ways to keep yourself actively involved in a task such as reading.

3) You should know when your concentration level at its best is. You should find a consistent time during the time when you know that you won’t be interrupted and that your energy level meets the demands of the particular task. Then, set this as routine plan; use that time slot each day to work on that task.

4) You should have a good sleep night. Insufficient sleep is the main contributor to concentration problems. You are not expected to concentrate in mind if you had insufficient sleep in the previous night. A better sleep at night will ensure a better performance and concentration at work or while studying.

5) It is difficult to concentrate on one thing for an extended time period. The best solution is to have a quick break or rest. If we concentrate on one task for an hour, we should move onto something different, take a short break or rest, walk around your room or office, and grab a snack. This can maintain your power of concentration without becoming tired of one task.

Last but not least, let yourself to be further away from distractions for set periods of time to try and accomplish work. A cleared-off desk, good lighting, some soft music in the background, find out what works for you. Set up an environment which works for you to concentrate better.

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