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College application mistakes

College Application Mistakes

The big mistakes are those to learn from. Below, admissions and guidance counselors show the most typical college application errors.

Actually, many mistakes can be simply avoided by the provided directions. All university applications can look the same, still you should read the directions very carefully — they may be different. You should keep a good lookout for the following stumbling blocks:

1. Submit the proper number of essays. In case it says «select one,» choose only one of the given essay topics. In case it says «write all,» complete an essay for each topic requested.
2. When an application essay question has several sections, you need to provide an answer for each part. You must be sure your responses answer all the questions and it is clear that response comes with which answer.
3. Also, you need to compute a grade point average in accordance with the instructions. In fact, various schools use various means for computing GPAs.
4. You must be careful not to mix up «country» with «county.»

When you are usually forgetful, you need to doublecheck so that to be sure you have not forgotten anything. It is recommended to make a checklist then your do a last review to see you have included the required parts:

— If you have written the papers on separate sheets, you should not forget to take them in your application packet.
— You should not forget to sign up the application and recommendation letter waiver.

Also, you need to compute a grade point average in accordance with the instructions. In fact, various schools use various means for computing GPAs.

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