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Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
Exam Number/Code : 642-982
Exam Name : Cisco Data Center Unified Computing Design Specialist
Questions and Answers : 55 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-05
Price: $ 158.00
2. Which of the following design criteria would be considered an environmental criteria?
A. Increased Security
B. System cabling simplified
C. Management effort decreased
D. Data Center architecture was simplified
Answer: B
At 642-982 Testinside, 642-982 braindumps page all the necessary 642-982 exam guide can be found. And it not only includes free 642-982 but it also contains Cisco 642-982 study guide and 642-982 practice exams.So you can get the exams from various resources but the logical and the precise explanation to your study guide questions is only here at Testinside ccna exam.
4. Which two expansion modules does the UCS 6120 Fabric Interconnect support?(Choose two.)
A. Ethernet 10 GE (6 port)
B. Ethernet 1 GE (6 port)
C. Fibre Channel 1,2 and 4 Gbps|(8 port)
D. Fibre Channel 1,2,4, and 8 Gbps (8 port)}
Answer: AC
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