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Importance of being boron

Importance Of Being Boron Boron is the first element in Group 13 (IIIA) of the periodic table. The elements in this group are usually referred to as the aluminum family elements. Boron is quite different from other members of the family. One difference is that boron is not a metal. All other members of the […]

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After the art and design degrees: preparing your portfolio for work

After the Art and Design Degrees: Preparing your Portfolio for work Is it not a fact that we have to work hard all the time and seldom do we get time to relax? It is true right from day when we go to school. When you are done with your high school education, the next […]

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Do you want to become a designer or a fashion designer

Do You Want to Become a Designer or a Fashion Designer? Are you searching for an undergraduate professional design course? For the Academic Year 2008/2009 NABA presents different design degree programs, and among them the Bachelor of Arts Degree Program. NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, is an Italian Design Academy founded in 1980 and […]

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Foreign accent: is it part of your identity

Foreign Accent: Is It Part Of Your Identity? If you have a foreign accent, you probably have a love/hate relationship with it. On one hand, you know that your accent is a part of who you are and points back to your country of origin, a place you likely have fond memories of. On the […]

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