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College life: matching expectations and reality right

College Life: Matching Expectations And Reality Right

One aspect that should be acknowledged when going to college is to outline the overall purpose of the college phase in your life. Some students put statements such as, «it will be a lot of fun», recalling some of the discussions of senior students. Well, movies such as the American Pie series and National Lampoon’s Van Wilder might give an impression of a non-stop sex, drugs and alcohol orgies, which are actually only partially true, and not for everyone by the way. This short article might clarify the distinctions between expectation and reality in college life.

The expectations for sex and fun might work out for students, if they set them as an ultimate goal, and at times they might not. The point is to establish the priorities in that context. In that regard, setting fun as the top priority in an educational institution might not be wise, at the very least.  At the same time, focusing only on your study and ignoring your surroundings will be an obvious exaggeration, following which the students will miss the main point of college life, which is being an adult.  Some might say, to be an adult act like one.

The reality in college might be fun or harsh. It might correspond to your expectations or might not. Choosing the right thing to expect and life in college will be easier, while «other aspects will come at their own pace. The following might not serve as the ultimate guide, but they might give an idea of what to expect:

1.College is a preliminary stage preparing you for the rest of your life, where the quality of such preparation will set the tone of the following years.

2.The absence or the reduction of parental control does not imply the absence or norms, rules, and LAWS.

3.Setting up the priorities is the key, remembering that what comes naturally. Avoid setting up stupid goals, they are unlikely lead to something you will be proud of ten years from now.

4.Choose friends with priorities like yours, so that dividing time for study and time for going out will not require major compromises.

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