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Basic emergency food and water supplies

Basic Emergency Food and Water Supplies

Emergency food and water are the basic components of any emergency and disaster kit and emergency preparedness plan.

The best way to ensure that you and members of your family, including your pets, can live through an emergency or disaster situations like a flood, tornado, hurricane, earthquake, fire, and some other natural disasters is to prepare in advance your food supplies and water needs. Most expert recommend at, a minimum, a three day supply of food and water, along with your emergency supplies. In preparing your food and water one should first think of the needs of every family member. If you have an elderly person who you are caring for and/or and infant, you have to take into consideration their special needs while preparing your emergency supplies.

In times of disasters you may not be able to have any access to clean water or food supplies even if you have a lot of money to spend. Often times emergency rescue units, paramedics, and first responders cannot reach your home or area immediately. By being preparing in advance you can be assured that every member of your household will have the proper food and necessary water that they need to survive and not get dehydrated or starve.

It is a wise idea to invest in emergency food ration bars and ready to eat meals and prepackaged water in order to make the job of organizing and planning your family’s emergency food and water needs These products not only have a longer shelf life, but also are also easier to store and carry in case you need to evacuate or leave your home.

Extra water, besides for drinking, usally is needed for hygienic and sanitation purposes. Since it usally is impossible to have a month supply of clean water, your emergency kit should also contain a portable water filtration system and/or water tablets so you can safely use other sources, such as rivers, lakes, rainwater, water stored in your hot water heater and/or in your pool if the need arises.

Additional important tools that you need to add in your emergency supplies are utensils and a mechanical can opener. Since electric power and gas may not be available after a disaster strikes you may also need a camping stove so that you can boil water and/or cook food. With out power a good crank radio flashlight may be needed as well. Preparing in advance is the key and emergency food and water supplies are usally the first items that will be needed to properly ensure your family’s health.

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