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A college education within reach: obama scholarships for mothers

A College Education Within Reach: Obama Scholarships for Mothers

If you want to be successful, getting a good education is a good start. The President has on many occasions emphasized the need for a strong education system. Scholarships and grants are only a small part of the education system makeover. For decades, college prices have steadily increased. Schools don’t offer scholarships to ever student to cover necessary expenses. Many young adults choose to forgo college because of the cost. Working, single mothers are particularly hit hard. Helping single mothers get an education helps their families and future employers. It’s important to the President and that’s why he’s implemented a program for scholarships for mothers. If you’ve heard of Obama grants for moms, know that people are referring to Federal Pell Grants. In the 2009-2010 school year, students could get a grant of up to $5,350. The primary goal is to encourage single moms to return to school, and by 2012 they could receive as much as $5,400. Tuition, books, travel and school supplies are all expenses that students can cover with grant money. Single moms should also consider the American Opportunity Tax Credit. This tax credit makes a way for students to write off the first $4,000 of their education costs. The $4,000 grant is especially great for low-income students. Single moms often fall into this group, so these programs are particularly beneficial to them. There are plenty of options on where, when and what a student can study. With more incentives, more ambitious adults will realize their goal to get a college degree. Increasing educational opportunity and performance is undoubtedly one of the President’s goals. The new stimulus package has some benefits for potential college students. There is also emphasis on ways to improve school and student achievement in all areas. There is also emphasis on encouraging more students to consider community college. A 2-year degree or the time spent learning a technical school from a community college can be a tremendous asset. «We need to put a college education within reach of every American. That’s the best investment we can make in our future.» Those are the words of President Obama in his 2007 speech Reclaiming the American Dream. The President’s actions are reflecting his words. Grants for moms are just a small but vital part of the education mission. Traditional and non-traditional students alike have numerous opportunities to put their education first.

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