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What a military intelligence education can teach you

What a Military Intelligence Education Can Teach You

Ongoing military intelligence education is critical to ensure that military intelligence professionals stay on the leading edge of strategic security issues around the globe.

For the most part, military intelligence education focuses on the same type of training received from civilian intelligence education programs, but with more emphasis on military objectives and tactical intelligence.

The goal of military intelligence is the acquisition and analysis of information on the enemy’s plans and intentions, combat capabilities and limitations, and its own intelligence collection.

Three Components of Military Intelligence There are three basic components of military intelligence, operational, tactical and strategic intelligence. Human Intelligence (HUMINT), Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) and Signal Intelligence (SIGINT) are used to achieve all of these components. Military intelligence needs of today are complex and require the skills of all intelligence disciplines and intelligence analysis skills (also known as «all-source intelligence»).

Operational intelligence permits the commander on the battlefield to see the significance of terrain, weather, and the enemy situation. Tactical intelligence helps provide soldiers with knowledge they need on the front lines.

Strategic intelligence provides a basis for plans and strategy for domestic and foreign policy. Strategic intelligence helps to uncover information about foreign governments and non-state actors (like terrorist groups) that enhance the ability of national decisionmakers to make knowledgeable and effective policy choices.

Effective military intelligence provides indications and warning intelligence while also serving as a deterrent to prevent the outbreak of war or providing early warning to surprise attack.

Imagery intelligence (IMINT) uses airborne reconnaissance and surveillance operations to gather photo, radar, infrared, or electro’optical data.

Signals intelligence (SIGINT) gathers and analyzes enemy radio/radar transmissions and emissions in a type of electronic warfare. This form of intelligence collection tends to be highly technical in nature.

Human intelligence (HUMINT) is used to develop and conduct collection operations from human sources. Whether it is an operative within a foreign agency or an outside source, the information acquired is information that is difficult or impossible to gather from technical sources.

Whether military intelligence is used to analyze images of enemy positions, listen to their communications, or investigate suspected espionage attempts, it is used every day to defend national security and the US armed forces around the world. A cutting-edge military intelligence education provides military analysts with mission-relevant intelligence skills.

Receiving a military education is paramount so that military analyst can learn «how to think» vs. «what to think.» Knowledge in terrorist techniques, weapons of mass destruction and operational security are just a few examples of what is used when gathering military intelligence. A degree in intelligence management helps form some of the basis for this knowledge used in military intelligence and in the strategic security industry.

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