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There's money to help you go to college

There's Money to Help You Go to College

It’s widely accepted that education is important to having a successful future. Even before he became President, Barack Obama spoke about the need to make education a priority. Scholarships and grants are only a small part of the education system makeover. For decades, college prices have steadily increased. Tuition and housing costs often far exceed scholarship offers. Low-income students suffer the most if they are unable to secure enough scholarship or grant money. Single, working moms are a big section of this group. Not only does educating mothers help provide for their families, but it also improves the workforce. More scholarships for single moms is one way to improve the situation. Federal Pell Grants have now been fondly called Obama grants. Currently students can earn about $5,350 through a Pell grant. Before Pell grants maxed out at about $4,000. With these grants for moms, they can pay for tuition, books or any other school-related expenses. Another worthwhile program is the American Opportunity Tax Credit. With this tax credit, the first $4,000 of college expenses are free. The $4,000 grant is especially great for low-income students. A grant and a tax break could be just the thing to help students like working single moms. Another great factor is that students aren’t particularly targeted based on what or where they study. Diversity is encouraged. With a few less money worries, more single mothers can attend college. Obama’s efforts to improve education show that he takes this issue seriously. With some changes to the lending system, many graduate and undergraduate loans will be less costly. In addition, the government is focusing on helping schools improve teaching and students improve performance. Since many overlook community colleges, there is emphasis on increasing their effectiveness and appeal. Community college is important to prepare students for a 4-year college but also to prepare them for a 2-year degree or technical skill. In 2007 Obama stated, «We need to put a college education within reach of every American. That’s the best investment we can make in our future.» With the measures he has taken to this point, the President has demonstrated he means his words. Even though Obama’s grants for moms get much attention they are certainly not the only important opportunity being offered. Traditional and non-traditional students alike have numerous opportunities to put their education first.

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