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The world of handwriting-tagore


 Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) Indian philosopher and poet. Tagore was born in Calcutta and studied in London, and became one of the best known international figures of the intellectual world in the first decades of the 20th century. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913 .

Handwriting analysis cannot predict the future, but it is a great indicator of how someone will react to future situations. This insight is what makes handwriting analysis such a valuable tool for learning about character and personality.

Rabindranath Tagore’s handwriting tells us that this literary genius was a person who had the ability to get along with both introverts and extroverts. He was a kind, affectionate and friendly person who could weight both sides of an issue.

The high t-bars show a high self-esteem this person had. The normal looped g shows his ability to construct thoughts in his mind and the fluidity shown by the connected writing tells us that he could put in words what ever had been imagined.

The slightly curved “d” shows his desire for music, travel and fine food. He had the ability to notice smallest of things and the persistence to complete whatever had been started.

An overall balanced handwriting shows a balanced individual who thought big and through his actions made his dreams come true. The upper zone revels his thought process and it is very evident in his handwriting that he had a far reaching philosophy and a very sharp mind to catch up on any subject with jet fast speed.

A very frank and honest gentleman who saw beyond his time and had the ability to capture his thinking in words which are which is read and praised by millions today.

A good analyst can tell us things we would rather not know, and do it tactfully. This is the self-knowledge that allows us to grow. You can dance to your own music, play your own tune and waltz away a lot smarter than you were before.

Act, don’t react!

Who is smarter than you? You  to can be, if you “Know Yourself.”


Farida H Bharmal,

Certified Handwriting Analyst.

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