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The life in college: a few helpful do's and don'ts

The Life In College: A Few Helpful Do's And Don'ts

Referring to college, many high school students express their eagerness to go to college. Others refer to college life as a survival experience that they should be prepared for. In that regard, despite the fact the college is not an army, there several aspects that should be kept in mind to make the best use of the college experience. The college experience can be divided into two distinct aspects, the learning experience and the campus life, where either of them is hard to survive. Nevertheless, there are guidelines and recommendations that might help students turn their life in college into relatively easy experience.


The list of recommendations of things to do might contain the following points:

1.Learn to effectively manage your time, where having a schedule that should be followed is an essential element.

2.Attend classes. The latter is a must, regardless of the importance of the class and the credit that you will earn.

3.Devote time for studying, even if lectures are understood, you should review your class material, in addition to the obligatory assignments. When things will get tough, you will be prepared.

4.Develop a good relationship with your professors and tutors. Being recognized by your professor is a good thing, which might be helpful when addressing points of weaknesses.

5.Set your priorities between fun and study, with preferences given to the latter. Remember your initial purpose of going to college in the first place.


The list of things that should be avoided might contain the following points:

1.Do not rely on assumptions, based on your school experience. The life in college is different.

2.Do not postpone your assignment until the last day. The habit of doing so might lead to failing more than a course at once.

3.Do not use illegal software on campus. The answer to the question, who will know, might have unpleasant consequences.

4.Do not do drugs. The principle, if my friends do it, then why I shouldn’t, is a bad idea.  Keep your own head on your shoulder.

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