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Observation essay

Observation Essay

Observation essay is a written «photograph» of some experience.
Preparatory stage usually includes the observation itself. This
stage is aimed at collecting as much information as possible
using mostly sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste; however
sometimes it may be useful for the writer to pay attention to
such senses as, for example, cold, heat, pain, pressure, etc.

The process of observation naturally results in thinking,
setting up hypotheses, trying to answer certain questions. All
these should be reflected in field notes. Therefore, the writer
should make detailed field notes during the process of
observation, recording every minor detail, even the one that may
seem insignificant during the process of observation. Each minor
detail may animate the future essay and relieve it from the
routine tone. Inclusion of personal experiences endured by the
writer during the process of observation may also animate the
essay and make it less formal. The writer of an observation
essay should give sufficient detail to transfer the reader into
the observed atmosphere. Minor strokes as «crystal chandelier»
or «mahogany table» will solidify the observation and provide
the reader with sensation of presence in the described position.

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