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Is there a difference in the taste of cigars from other countries

Is There a Difference in the Taste of Cigars from Other Countries?

Lighting a cigar and drawing in that rich and full flavor is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world for a cigar smoker. Everything about the pastime of cigar smoking is a treat, from the various cutters you use to the lighters that you choose to fire up your favorite cigar. Another great aspect of cigar smoking is the sheer amount of choices that you have when it comes to cigars. From aromatic blends to tobaccos from around the world, you can find something that will appeal to everyone. Something that many people often wonder when they first start smoking cigars is if there is a difference in the taste of cigars from other countries. The answer is a resounding yes.

What is it that makes cigars crafted from tobaccos from different regions taste different? The differences in taste are attributable to many different factors. One of the biggest factors that you are going to find is the soil. Because tobacco is a plant, it grows from the soil. The composition of the soil, including the chemical makeup, will cause differences in taste. Some soil is more acidic, while others are more alkaline. This can change the taste of the tobacco, as well as how smooth or harsh the tobacco is. Yet, this is just one of the many reasons that tobacco can taste different.

The way in which the tobacco is cured after harvest has a lot to do with the taste as well. You will be able to find air cured and fire cured tobacco. The way in which a manufacturer cures the tobacco varies from region to region, and this can have an impact on the taste. Aging of the tobacco, as well as any added flavors that a manufacturer might add, are also factors that can determine the taste variances.

The ring gauge, or the diameter of the cigar, is another factor. Even when you have cigars from the same area, and even with the same wrapper, you can find taste differences dependent on the ring gauge. Larger cigars, those with a large diameter, often have a flavor considered «full».

You should take some time to sample tobaccos from around the world to see what they offer. You might be surprised and find something that you like that comes from an unexpected place. Some popular types of cigar for you to try are those from Jamaica and Honduras.

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