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How to prevent hiv/aids

How to Prevent Hiv/aids


HIV/AIDS A sexually transmitted disease. It has million people. In 2000 alone, it killed 3 million. 80% of all cases are in sub-Saharan Africa.

The must vulnerable age group is between 15-25 years.

This is an apt picture of the AIDS prone age bracket. At this stage, many crucial decisions will be made by the teenagers. Some will affect him for the rest of his life or at least for many years to come. One of those decisions he will have to make will be the one to be abstaining from, or indulge in sexual intercourse.

And society will tell him to indulge. That is okay to do. Society will tell him this on television, on radio, in magazines and music, on bill boards.

Society will entice him with it, shove him into it. And dame will curse him if he refuses to indulge in it. Why?

The greater percentage of humanity is sexually undisciplined. And the indiscipline is not seen as indiscipline, but as liberty. Profligate is a norm.

And society seems designed to promote it.

The question of AIDS is greater than the use of condoms to prevent it. True, teenage sex is a reality; harmful sexual practices are present with people of all ages.

But the real question AIDS poses is, what have you done to yourself? What are you doing today, right now, as you are reading this, doing to your self?

AIDS is pandemic because our moral laxity is endemic. It is strong because we are weak. And every day we promote our weakness I every thing we do.

The answer to the AIDS question is not in condoms. For condoms only enhance your lack of self control. And for those of us who have traveled the road of sexual experimentations, it is no news that it is like a vicious cycle.

The answer to AIDS is in the very simple wisdom of antennae. This does not only protect the reproductive health, but promotes psychological health too. But is it feasible?

Difficult, yes. Because the human chemistry makes it so. But impossible? No. Society says it is.

Conclusively, it will take a lot of work, a lot of commitment, a lot of time, the Anti AIDS campaign should be redesigned to promote moral standard.

But most importantly, the individual must decide to change. Without this, all efforts are in vain.


How do we contact cold and other infections? At lease 80% of such ailments are transmitted by our hands not through the air. In fact hand washing is the singled most important way to prevent the spread of illness. Yet many do not always wash after using the toilet or blowing their nose or before handling food. Of course, many others always wash their hands at such times. But the potentials for infection does not disappear after a quick, perfunctory job of hand washing

Drying hands properly can be equally important; many people do not dry their hands thoroughly after washing especially when using hot air dryers. Many complete drying by wiping their hand on their clothes. This can spread any microorganisms left on the hands. It is best to dry hands completely, preferably using disposable paper towels or clean unused clothe towel.

One can prevent diseases through the following hand washing advice:

1.                            Always use warm running water and mild soap. If forced to use a basin instead of running water, clean and disinfect it each time it is used. Slightly wet towel lets do not effectively clean hands.

2.                            Rub hands together vigorously until a soapy lather appears and continue rubbing for at least 15 seconds. Scrub the top s and palms of the hands as well as between fingers and fingernails.

3.                            Rinse hands under disposable ruing water.

4.                            Dry with a clean disposable or single-use, towel, and avoid touching the facet (a tap) or towel holder with clean hands.

5.                            Turn the facet off using the towel as a barrier to keep from touching the handle.

6.                            Children should wash standing at a height where their hands can hang freely under the running water. Always assist the child to perform all the above steps, and then wash your own hands.

7.                            from now on, when next you use the toilet, blow your nose and before handling food, wash and dry hands thoroughly.

Good health for all.

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